
[Ubuntu] 掛載BOX.NET成網路硬碟

BOX.NET 不像 DROPBOX一樣,可隨時同步,每次都要登入網頁才能使用,很麻煩.

First thing you want to do is open a Terminal window and install davfs2:
sudo apt-get install davfs2
Next thing you want to do is create the mount directory:
sudo mkdir /media/box.net
Next go ahead and mount:
mount -t davfs https://www.box.net/dav /media/box.net (Note: The HTTPS should create a secure connection so your authentication will be safe)
Add your username and password:
sudo nano /etc/davfs2/secrets
echo “https://www.box.net/dav username password” >> /etc/davfs2/secrets
Notably you can access Box.net via Nautilus using WebDAV:
Just use Connect to Server to dav://www.box.net/dav and make sure to select Secure WebDAV.

Note: These instructions should work fine with previous releases of Ubuntu and also on Debian.


ubuntu16.04 如何掛載 iPhone

自從Windows XP改版成Vist之後, 魚改用LINUX系統算來也至少十年了吧, 習慣了使用開放源軟體, 行動電話也習慣使用源於LINUX系統的Android系統手機, 近來因為工作上需要試用一些APP借一台iPhone來試用, 整個檔案系統觀念完全不一樣, 蘋果又愛自成一格, 魚真是吃足了苦頭.....為了讓Ubuntu跟爛蘋果當好朋友, 爬文爬到瘋, 終於勉強找到可以讓我在筆電上管理iPhone相本及檔案的方式, 記錄下來, 免得自己忘記!!
Step 1 :download shell scripts ==> here 
Step 2 :cd directory in which you download the file 
Step 3 :
chmod u+x iphone_setup.sh
Step 4 :
ex -bsc '%!awk "{sub(/\r/,\"\")}1"' -cx iphone_setup.sh
Step 5 :
sudo ./iphone_setup.sh
Step 6: Running usbmuxd and attaching iPhone
在終端機命令模式下執行 usbmuxd , 接上iPhone 再執行 dmesg | grep ipheth確認是否已連上iPhone?
如果未連上, 請再重覆執行 usbmuxd及重新連結iPhoone

Step 5: 配對
idevicepair pair
配對成功後會出現 SUCCESS.................
fish@fish-Dell:~$ idevicepair pair
SUCCESS: Paired with device 14018cefa7b868f08c60cd748fe3ef231110f9e2

Step 6: 以 ifuse 掛載iPhone
ifuse /media/iPhone
NOTE: 如果iphone有越獄, 請以root身份執行下列指令
ifuse /media/iPhone/ --root
如果要卸載, 請下以下二個指令
fusermount -u /media/iPhone/
idevicepair unpair